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We provide a magic door which float in the air ! How is it done? We concealed and hide the sliding system in your door! Let’s make some fun with unique and special magic door sliding door system, Magic2 You Well known brand from Germany – Hafele
  • Completely concealed hardware and upper running track
  • Sliding system for wood door or aluminum door panels and frames
  • Interior / Residential and Hotels Doors
  • Right and left doors applicable
  • Smooth sliding door system
  • The slide system is built into the door, making it completely invisible whether the door is a closed or open position
  • The mounting plate is designed to be wall-mounted
  • The 2-ways soft-closing mechanism bring gentle open and close
Detail Specification: Door width :800-1800mm Loading weight: Max 80kg Adjustment Facility: Door height 2mm+ Distance door to wall: 4mm+ Remark: Make sure that floor is even and level prepare wall structure for top roller

A safe and practical anti-unhooking System

Magic sliding system upper guide incorporates two rotating anti-release elements, equipped with safety levers that can be easily turned and removed after the door’s installation, without the need for any tools. The prominently visible levers make the use of anti-release systems mandatory for all installers, ensuring maximum safety for all users.